Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 30

Plyometrics - This workout is always tough. We jumped and squated our way through it and wrapped up the first 30 days. 1/3 of the way done with the program!

Day 31

Back and Biceps and Ab Ripper X - This was a new video. My biceps were so sore after this workout. Lots and lots of curls and curl variations mixed with lots of pull ups. A really tough routine.

Day 32

Rest - We switched this day to the rest day for this week since we were gone most of the day in West Fork for the Poker Tournament.

Day 33

Yoga - Julie is Really getting great at Yoga. I am getting more flexible but absolutely dread Yoga. For Valentine's Day Julie got me a yoga block to help me with the video (she is so sweet). It had not arrived in the mail when we did this video but next week I will have it and we will see if it helps me.

Day 34

Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X- I can tell we are getting stronger and pushing ourselves more. Julie made the comment that the wall squat excersises were the toughest they have ever been. It's because we were adding weight to our other squats and making sure we were getting down low in our lunges. I also did a total of 72 pull ups and 21 of those were without using a chair to assist me.

We are still pushing play and working hard.

I want to believe...

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