Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 27

This was supposed to be Yoga X but we switched it with the res/stretch day that was supposed to be tomorrow since we were going out for a late Valentine's day celebration

Day 28

Yoga X - I really did not want to do Yoga. I was tired and not looking forward to 1 hour an 32 minutes or painful stretch poses. However with Julie's encouragement we did it and got through it. Here are some pictures.

The first pic is a stretch called Royal Dancer. Here is me sucking at trying to do the stretch hold.

The next pic is Julie gracefully doing the same stretch with no problem.

Here is Julie doing a freaking impossible stretch that I can't remember the name of. I try to do this stretch, but I just can't do it yet.

Here is a picture of me doing something in Yoga that Julie can't do. It's called the "Crane Pose" and you have to balance on your hands with your feet off of the floor. I know you can't tell in the picture but my feet are off of the floor (I fell out of the pose and almost broke my face a few seconds after the picture was taken).

That brings us to the end of the recovery week. Now we start with the mega hard stuff again.

New videos and new challenges.

I want to believe...



  1. "Here is a picture of me doing something in Yoga that Julie can't do." You guys crack me up. The competition keeps you guys going strong, doesn't it? Must be nice... heh, Fred would just quit, and eat burgers while watching me exercise. He can attest to this. ;-)

    I'm proud of you guys!! I've started exercising again, thanks to this motivation. Nothing very serious like this, but I do try to lift the kids up over my head a few times a day!

  2. I really hope one of you develops a love for yoga. Its so awful yet wonderful!! Adam, does it show a modification for that move? You can use a hand towel to extend the area. Hold one end with with one hand and the other end than with your other hand. Does that make sense? Or place your hand on the floor and just put your other hand behind your back. You are still getting that opening in your chest and arms. Pretty soon you'll be doing it too. Maybe that was not helpful at all, but I still think you guys are doing great!!!! :-D
