Monday, February 16, 2009

Still Pushing Play....and trying not to die

Day 24

Kenpo-X- Julie and I kicked butt. We got through it and made sure we worked hard. This is definitely one of the easier workouts in the program.

Day 25

Stretch-X - We finally did the Stretch video. It was a combination of the various stretches we do before and after each video mixed with a little yoga. It lasted about an hour and I must say that while it wasn't strenuous, it still wasn't fun. I think If I were more flexible it would help. Hopefully someday I will get there. Julie on the other hand seemed to think every stretch was pretty easy.

Day 26

Core Synergistics - We did better this time but it was still extremely hard. To me it is one of the harder videos we do.

I want to believe....


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